Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming (DP) is an optimization technique introduced by Richard Bellman, that can be applied to multistage decision problems requiring a sequence of interrelated decisions. It is based on Bellman’s principle of optimality which states that a sub-policy of an optimal policy for a given problem must itself be an optimal policy of the sub-problem.

In DP the decision problem is usually described as follows. The variable x describes the state of the system. x is an element of a set of possible system states \(x \in X = [x^1, x^2, x^3, ...]\). If x not already a discrete variable, it has to be discretized in order to use DP. The possible (discrete) decisions (or control signals) that can be applied to the system are defined as a set \(u \in U = [u^1, u^2, u^3, ...]\). The function \(f_t(x_t,u_t)\) calculates the following state of the system \(x_{t+1}\) for the current state \(x_{t}\) when the decision \(u_t\) is applied at timestep \(t\).

\[x_{t+1} = f_t(x_t,u_t)\]

The function \(g_t(x_t,u_t)\) calculates the costs \(c_{t,x_t,u_t}\) for going from \(x_{t}\) to \(x_{t+1}\) when the decision \(u_t\) is applied at timestep \(t\).

\[c_{t,x_t,u_t} = g_t(x_t,u_t)\]

The DP algorithm finds the control sequence \(\pi = [u_1, u_2, ..., u_N]\) that minimizes the total costs \(J\) over all timesteps \(T = [t_1, t_2, ..., t_N]\).

\[J_\pi =\sum_{t=1}^{N}g_t(x_t,u_t^\pi)\]

To find the optimal solution, the DP algorithms proceeds forward or backward in time solving the subproblem of every timestep under consideration of the already solved subproblems.

In the following the general idea of both, the forward and the backward implementation of DP will be explained based on a simple storage example.

Simple storage example

To explain the DP algorithm a simple storage example is inroduced. A battery storage with an energy capacity of 1kWh is conected to the grid. The electricity price for buying from or selling to the grid for every timestep is given as a time-series \(d_t\) (\(d_1 = 1€\), \(d_2 = 2€\), \(d_3 = 3€\)). The energy content of the battery, which is the state variable of this system is defined by the discrete set X = [0kWh, 1kWh], which means the storage can be either full or empty. The set of possible control signals (decisions) consists of the three signals: charge with 1 kWh (+1kWh), wait (+-0kWh) and discharge with 1 kWh (-1kWh).


Simple storage example

So, when the battery is charged, the new state is always 1kWh (full), even if was already full before. When it is discharged, it is allways 0kWh (full) and if it is neither charged nor discharged, the state stays unchanged.

\[\begin{split}x_{t+1} = \begin{cases} 1kWh & \qquad \text{if u = +1kWh}\\ x_t & \qquad \text{if u = +-0kWh}\\ 0kWh & \qquad \text{if u = -1kWh} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

If the storage is charged, we have to pay for the electricity from the grid, so in this case the costs are defined by the price at the current timestep \(d_t\). If the storage is already full (\(x_t\) =1kWh), the control signal charge (u=+1kWh) is an invalid signal. To prevent that this signal will be part of the solution, we set the (penalty) costs for this case very high (99 €). We do the same, if storage is already empty (\(x_t\) =0kWh) and the signal discharge (u=-1kWh) is applied. If we discharge a full storage, we sell the electricity to the grid which results in negative costs \(d_t\) . If we neither charge nor discharge, we don’t make or spend any money.

\[\begin{split}c_{t,x_t,u_t} = \begin{cases} 99 € & \qquad \text{if u=+1kWh and x_t=1kWh} \\ d_t & \qquad \text{if u=+1kWh and x_t=0kWh} \\ 0 € & \qquad \text{if u=+-0kWh}\\ -d_t & \qquad \text{if u=-1kWh and x_t=1kWh} \\ 99 € & \qquad \text{if u=-1kWh and x_t=0kWh} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

The following figure shows the possible states x and decisions u of the storage system for the 3 timesteps. Note, that because we need a defined initial and end state, the system has 4 states!


Possible states x and decisions u of the storage system

An implementation of the example can be found in the examples folder.

Backward Dynamic Programming

The Backward Dynamic Programming starts with the last timestep and goes backward in time to solve the optimization problem step by step. the backward algorithm is easier to implement (and in prodyn faster) than the forward one.

So based on the possibilities shown in following figure, we want to find the path which leads to the cheapest total costs. Therefore we need to calculate our total costs \(J_t\) to get to a certain state in a certain timestep t. We can also define initial end costs (here \(J_3\)) for the last timestep, which is necessary in Backward DP if we want our solution to have a defined end state (see Define initial costs). In this example, we set the initial end costs \(J_3\) (end of last timestep in Backward DP) to 0 € for both possible states.


Now we go one timestep backwards (t=2) and calculate the total costs \(J_2\) for every possible state \(x_{2}\) and every possible decision u. The total costs \(J_2\) are defined as the sum of the costs c_{t,x_t,u_t} for going from \(x_{t}\) to \(x_{t+1}\) when the decision \(u_t\) is applied at timestep \(t\) and the total costs \(J_3\) of the following sate \(x_{t+1}\). Then we select the decision, which leads to least total costs \(J_2\) as solution of our sub-problem.

\[J_{t,x_t,u_t} = c_{t,x_t,u_t} + J_{t+1,x_t,u_t}\]

In our example we start with state \(x_{2}=1kWh\) . We try to charge (u=+1kWh) the full storage, the costs are very high because of the penalty costs (c=99€). The following state is here defined as x_{3}=1kWh . If we wait, we have no costs (c=0€) and the foloowing state stays the same x_{3}=1kWh . If we discharge, we sell the electricity to the grid for the current price \(d_3 = 3€\), which leads to costs of c=-3€. Since \(J_3=0€\) for every following state, here discharging leads to the minimal total costs.


If we do the same for state \(x_{2}=0kWh\), we see that the costs for waiting (c=0€) is cheaper than for charging (c=3€) and discharging (c=99€). Since \(J_3=0€\) the go-to costs c already represent the total costs J.


Now for every possible state \(x_{2}\) we select the decision (path) which leads to the lowest total costs \(J_2\). We discard all other options, whcih is basically the “trick” in DP. If we are in timestep 2, we now the best solution to go from here for every possible state \(x_{2}\). So all other states are not relevant for the solution. In our example, we can see, that a full storage at the end of timetsep 3 will not be part of the solution. If we wanted to find a solution, where the storage is full at the end, we should have defined proper initial total costs \(J_2\) .


Now we go one more timestep backwards (t=1) and calculate the total costs \(J_1\) for every possible state \(x_{1}\) and every possible decision u. Now we have to consider the total following costs \(J_2\) dependent on the following state \(x_{2}\) . Here, the decisions leading to the cheapest total costs are waiting for \(x_{1}=1kWh\) and charging for \(x_{1}=0kWh\) .


Once again, we go one more timestep backwards (t=0) and calculate the total costs \(J_0\) for every possible initial state \(x_{0}\) and every possible decision u. Now we have to consider the total following costs \(J_1\) dependent on the following state \(x_{1}\) . Here, the decisions leading to the cheapest total costs are waiting for \(x_{0}=1kWh\) and charging for \(x_{0}=0kWh\) .


As we can see, the Backwards Dynamic Programming algorithm (in prodyn) gives us the solution for every possible initial state \(x_{0}\) . If we want the solution to have a specific end state, we have to define initial costs \(J_end\) . How to do this is prodyn see Define initial costs

Forward Dynamic Programming

The Forward Dynamic Programming starts with the first timestep and goes forward in time to solve the optimization problem step by step. The forward algorithm is more difficult to implement (and in prodyn slower) than the backward one. The advantage of the forward algorithm is that it allows one to use the results and states of all previous timesteps to calculate the next state and the costs.

Again we want to find the path which leads to the cheapest total costs, based on the possibilities shown in the following figure.


Therefore we need to calculate our total costs \(J_t\) to get to a certain state in a certain timestep t. We can also define initial costs (here \(J_0\)) for the first timestep, which is necessary in forward DP if we want our solution to have a defined starting state (see Define initial costs). In this example, we set the initial costs \(J_0\) to 0 € for both possible states.


Now we calculate the total costs \(J_1\) for every possible initial state \(x_{0}\) and every possible decision u. The total costs \(J_1\) are defined as the sum of the costs c_{t,x_t,u_t} for going from \(x_{t}\) to \(x_{t+1}\) when the decision \(u_t\) is applied at timestep \(t\) and the total costs \(J_0\) of the previous sate \(x_{t}\). Then for each possible following state \(x_{t+1}\) , we select the decision, which leads to least total costs \(J_1\) as solution of our sub-problem.

\[J_{t,x_t,u_t} = c_{t,x_t,u_t} + J_{t+1,x_t,u_t}\]

In our example we start with state \(x_{0}=1kWh\) . If we try to charge (u=+1kWh) the full storage, the costs are very high because of the penalty costs (c=99€). The following state is here defined as \(x_{1}=1kWh\) . If we wait, we have no costs (c=0€) and the foloowing state stays the same \(x_{1}=1kWh\) . If we discharge, we sell the electricity to the grid for the current price \(d_1 = 1€\), which leads to costs of c=-1€. If we do the same for state \(x_{0}=0kWh\), we can caculate the costs for waiting (c=0€), charging (c=1€) and discharging (c=99€).


To choose the cheapest path, in forward DP we want to find the decision, which leads to the minimal total costs J for getting to each possible following state. So at first we have a look at the following state \(x_{1}=1kWh\) . From the 3 options to get to this state (blue), we choose the one with the cheapest total costs J, which is from state \(x_{0}=1kWh\) by waiting (u=+-0kWh).

Now we look at the following state \(x_{1}=0kWh\) . To get there we have again 3 options (green). We choose the option discharging (u=-1kWh) from previous state x_{0}=1kWh , which is the option with the least total costs J.


Now we so the same for the following timesteps, as shown in the following figures.


After finishing with the last timestep, we have an optomal solution for every possible end state \(x_{3}\).

As we cann see, starting from an empty storage \(x_{0}=0kWh\) was already excluded as part of optimal solution after the first step. If we want to have a specific initial state in forward DP, we have to define initial costs \(J_end\) . How to do this is prodyn see Define initial costs